sâmbătă, 31 august 2013

i'll die about 35,
stranger, or just lost somewhere, i don't know.
passing trough everything i was, or ever be.
over memories of you ,
and your being between the sun and my eyes.
trying to remember feelings
when i touch your hair,
the smell of your existence  , near me,
you and i , together , away , gone.
trying to escape this world of sights ,
realizing that we were, and it's already past ,
how stupid should i be , to forget all this?

luni, 26 august 2013

i would like to write something , now, but i'm weak.
doar obosit , de tot rahatu asta, bine-rau  , fals -adevarat, sau tu apari sau dispari , da, e mai bine ca nui ceva permanent, dar nu asa.cred ca toate momentele astea imi dau alegere , aluzie la faptu ca ar trebui sa ma schimb,doar sunt prea timpit (sau..) sa o fac.
incerc sa evit raspunsu la intrebarea la tine cum? ,adresata de prieteni , oameni la care tineam , care au plecat, nu stiu cum sa raspund si nici nu vreau sa o fac, nu vreau sa stiu cum e la mine, nu vreau sa o spun lor, voua.
stiu c-o sa-nceapa scoala , si apoi precis o sa fiu depresiv, mult mai depresiv, ma tem , as vrea doar sa plec, sa plec spre urmatoarea viata.
 de ce mai intri , daca oricum nu-ti pasa?
ieri era bine, chiar prea bine, mi se parea ireal , si azi mi se pare inca.
ireal pentru ca nu m-am asteptat la asta de la fete, chiar de erau beate , anyway , ERAU FETE!
de-as fi cu prietenii , mai inteleg sa intru in apa , dar nu cu fete! care nici nu m-au vazut vreodata.
cred ca ma simt asa , deoarece am inteles ca nu-s singurul nebun , sau poate, pentru ca m-am eliberat din rutina asta ,fiind crazy in modu meu , aventuri si chestii, sau doar pentru ca am facut inca o nebunie , ceva nou , sau din alte cauze.
ii placut  ca dupa asa momente ,iti schimbi modu de a privi catre cineva

miercuri, 21 august 2013

your shadow passing , from here to there
behind eyes that never seen this charm.
clothes , kissed by a summer wind,
hair, free as eternity of your soul.
i would stare .all the night ,
over shadows of your hands ,
and the contour of your body.
standing away ,away from your grace.
shadows don't need any paint ,
as the light that has a sun.

notes like drops of a summer rain ,
i never seen life so wet of solitude.
it's still dancing somwhere away
touching everything .
removing nuances ,one by one , to shade.
if it's the appearence of life,
then death embraces love .

sâmbătă, 17 august 2013

i've turn off all the light ,
slow moves from room to room,
sounds will empty my being,
the only one i miss ,is you.

sky is shining like your eyes
watching  those mornings,
when ocean touch the frosted air,
the ocean of our faded love.

coldness of a sunrise ,without you ,
of the light filled of dark shadows .
shadows of memories, contouring over.
escaping into eternity of time, of us.

nothing of me is left here,
trips to nowhere ,with no one .
everything steals your colors
everything steals you.
imi place ca , ultimii bani , intotdeauna ,ii cheltui pe tigari si bautura, incerc sa ma-nbat . frigideru e gol si imi e foame , dar oricum am ce bea,imi e rau de la alcool, dar tot arunc cu vodca-n mine . e un refugiu , de ginduri.
si niciodata nu-mi reuseste.

vineri, 9 august 2013

afraid of love,
like of the day that will never come.
night is cold ,lonely,
for me it's too old
everything was said ,
for you i am  true .
sun is everywhere, air , dark , light .
fears everywhere

luni, 5 august 2013

it's night , i'm hungry.
i wish i was drunk ,
more than my mind is .

some are soo weak 
all they have is loneliness
just as me,weak.

it's night and if the sun,
will never unfold .
be my sun.

sâmbătă, 3 august 2013

the summer is gone , and the wind blows so cold
flowers of your love  grow on a strange land
and i can't get enough close to it.
as the night is getting light and the autumn is coming on
green dies , and red dies , and yellow dies too.
everything dies .death , everywhere.
you're just like the smoke
killing me softly , slow down.
you're like the wine , smelling so good ,and tasty
killing me low and it's  red
everywhere's red  , everywhere is dead
soare , rosu , peste tot e
si raze rosii , singe rosu.
intuneric rosu, peste tot e ,
singuratate , moarte ,viata.

vineri, 2 august 2013

scriu, deobicei beat, nu cred ca-mi va iesi ceva bun, dar tot scriu , am scris vreo 7 foi, trebuie sa mai revad:S
ma simt cam depresiv , fiecare zi beau , fumez mult , ma simt singur , chiar intre oameni.